
Openstackocatabashscriptdeploysopenstackocatasoftwareinafreshubuntu16.04server.Youcaninstalltherequiredopenstackservicesbasedonyour ...,Name·Lastmodified·Size·Description.[PARENTDIR],ParentDirectory,-.[],XStatic-Angular-common-,2017-02-0616:40,455K.,Thischangeensuresthatstatefulsystemsrunningwithinacontainerarestartedaheadofnon-statefulsystems.Whilethischangehasnoimpact...


Openstack ocata bash script deploys openstack ocata software in a fresh ubuntu 16.04 server. You can install the required openstack services based on your ...

Index of centos7cloudx86_64openstack

Name · Last modified · Size · Description. [PARENTDIR], Parent Directory, -. [ ], XStatic-Angular-common-, 2017-02-06 16:40, 455K.

Ocata Series Release Notes — OpenStack

This change ensures that stateful systems running within a container are started ahead of non-stateful systems. While this change has no impact on a running ...

OpenStack Ocata API Reference Documentation

OpenStack Ocata API Reference Documentation. This page contains documentation about the OpenStack API and how to use it.


開源雲端作業系統OpenStack將於2月22日推出第15版Ocata,提早了2個月釋出,主打單一平臺能通管裸機、VM和容器,且強化擴充性、管理性與提高容易使用度三大 ...

OpenStack Ocata User Guides

The OpenStack project is provided under the Apache 2.0 license. is powered by VEXXHOST .

OpenStack Docs

OpenStack is a cloud operating system that controls large pools of compute, storage, and networking resources throughout a datacenter.

Ocata Installation Guides

Ocata Installation Guides. The following guides support basic installation of core and optional OpenStack services on variants of Red Hat, SUSE, and Ubuntu ...

威聯通QNAP Cinder Driver 支援OpenStack 最新Ocata 版本,提供區 ...

使用者可利用QNAP Cinder Driver 在OpenStack 架構上整合所有QNAP 儲存裝置,為線上的儲存資料提供穩健的資料儲存與保護服務,同時透過快照管理功能保護虛擬機器上的資料, ...

Ocata Series Release Notes

This release contains the fix for bug 1630822 so that passwords are no longer leaked when using the --debug or -vv options.